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A Warning to FAMILY & FRIENDS...Especially WOMEN FOLK...who love bad mouthing... Backbiters will be given to eat the flesh of their dead brothers...How many of us want that in the HEREAFTER. What is backbiting ? Answer - Gheebah or backbiting means speaking about a Muslim in his absence and saying things that he would not like to have spread around or mentioned. Buhtan or slander means saying things about a Muslim that are not true, or in other words telling lies about him. Nameemah or malicious gossip means telling one person what another said in order to cause trouble between them. #islam #muslim #Allah #Quran #ProphetMuhammadpbuh #instagram #photo #photooftheday #beautiful #photography #advicequotes #lord #god #love #man #men #woman #women #boy #girl #girls #boys #pictures #Facebook #twitter #guidance #wordpress #heart #blog #photogrid
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