Fizza Qibtia originally shared: Sometimes when success has given us so much opportunities and hovered us with fame, love from people, we get to that point of loving this worldly temptation, when that happens, remind oneself of what Allāh says in the Qur’ān:
"Do not walk proudly on the earth, you can neither tear the earth apart nor can you rival the mountains in height." 17:37
Don’t wait that failure comes upon you, or a death of a beloved or a tragic event had befallen you to make you realize that you need to sit down and remember that without Allāh, you can’t have what you have now.
Remember, everything is from Allāh, what you have up to the things that you are provided are all from the Mercy and Will of Allāh, if He can give it to you, know that He can also take it away from you, in a snap of a finger, by His Will.
So always remember to humble yourself and also work out a habit of always thanking Him for everything that you have, asking forgiveness for your sins and make du’a that He Graces you with His Mercy on that Promised Day and also grant you a place in Jannah.
Just remember why you are here, what you were created for. Remember your final destination is to Him, all roads - no matter what path you choose, crooked or straight- end to Him.
and we pray that Allāh enlightens us with His Guidance and protection from the temptations of Iblees that we may not fall into the desires of dunya. in sha Allāh.
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