the international poverty line is $1.25/day.Just look at the following calculation.
(A)1 day = $1.25 = Rs 76.85 ( exchange $1=Rs 61.48 as on 17Oct2014)
(B) 1 month = $1.25×30 = $ 37.50 = Rs 2305.50
(C) 1 Year = $37.50 × 12 = $450 = Rs 27666
Therefore anyone earning equal or less than the above is poor according to the modern world.
In Islam the concept of Zakat revolves around Nisab. A muslims worth must exceed the nisab value to be required to pay zakat.If less than nisab value a muslim is exempted from paying zakat (Islamic Tax on wealth for redistribution and benefits to poor).In other words that person is identified as poor or below poverty line and therefore exempted tax.
So to find out poverty line according to Islam we first have to calculate the Nisab value.There are 2 ways of calculating it.One is the Gold Dinar standard and the other is Silver Dirham.
Let us use the gold standard for calculation.
(A) 1 Year = 20 dinars of Gold@4.25 gms =85 gms = Rs 2,32,900 =
(Gold Rate = Rs27400/10 gms or $445.67/10gms as on 17Oct2014)
(B) 1 month = Rs 232900 ÷ 12 = Rs 19408 = $315.68
(C) 1 Day = Rs19408 ÷ 30 = Rs 646.93 = $10.522
Therefore anyone earning less than the above is poor according to Islam...and hence that determines the poverty line or threshold at $10.522/day as compared to $1.25/day by World Bank.
Hence anyone earning less than Rs19408 or $315.68 a month is poor or below poverty line and needs special assistance, packages,benefits, programs, help and aid by the Governments and international organisations.
Islamic Shariah is approx 9 times more just, financially inclusive, economically considerate, practical and relevant to modern times when compared to Western World(IMF, UN, World Bank).
Islam identifies poor and poverty 9 times better.
#POVERTY #povertyalleviation #islam #muslim #quran #prophetmuhammadpbuh #worldbank #imf #UN #unitednations #poor #poorpeople #destitute #needy #help #westernworld #modernworld #think #inequality
# Evernote:Poverty line or threshold according to World Bank and Islam
(A)1 day = $1.25 = Rs 76.85 ( exchange $1=Rs 61.48 as on 17Oct2014)
(B) 1 month = $1.25×30 = $ 37.50 = Rs 2305.50
(C) 1 Year = $37.50 × 12 = $450 = Rs 27666
Therefore anyone earning equal or less than the above is poor according to the modern world.
In Islam the concept of Zakat revolves around Nisab. A muslims worth must exceed the nisab value to be required to pay zakat.If less than nisab value a muslim is exempted from paying zakat (Islamic Tax on wealth for redistribution and benefits to poor).In other words that person is identified as poor or below poverty line and therefore exempted tax.
So to find out poverty line according to Islam we first have to calculate the Nisab value.There are 2 ways of calculating it.One is the Gold Dinar standard and the other is Silver Dirham.
Let us use the gold standard for calculation.
(A) 1 Year = 20 dinars of Gold@4.25 gms =85 gms = Rs 2,32,900 =
(Gold Rate = Rs27400/10 gms or $445.67/10gms as on 17Oct2014)
(B) 1 month = Rs 232900 ÷ 12 = Rs 19408 = $315.68
(C) 1 Day = Rs19408 ÷ 30 = Rs 646.93 = $10.522
Therefore anyone earning less than the above is poor according to Islam...and hence that determines the poverty line or threshold at $10.522/day as compared to $1.25/day by World Bank.
Hence anyone earning less than Rs19408 or $315.68 a month is poor or below poverty line and needs special assistance, packages,benefits, programs, help and aid by the Governments and international organisations.
Islamic Shariah is approx 9 times more just, financially inclusive, economically considerate, practical and relevant to modern times when compared to Western World(IMF, UN, World Bank).
Islam identifies poor and poverty 9 times better.
#POVERTY #povertyalleviation #islam #muslim #quran #prophetmuhammadpbuh #worldbank #imf #UN #unitednations #poor #poorpeople #destitute #needy #help #westernworld #modernworld #think #inequality
# Evernote:Poverty line or threshold according to World Bank and Islam
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