Fizza Qibtia originally shared: Forgiveness
No Human being is above the need to make Taubah. None of us are in a position that we don’t need to ask Allah for forgiveness or turn back to Allah for our shortcomings.
If the Messenger Sallahu Alahyi Waslaam tells us that he made Istighfar to Allah, 70 times or more every single day, then that leaves us in no position to think that we are ever going to be above the need to ask Allah for forgiveness.
A person might wonder, why would the Messenger Sallahu Alahyi Wasalaam ask for forgiveness.
Obviously, forgiveness is asked for when you do something wrong. Ibrahim Alahyis Salaam says:
“Wa Toob Alayna”.
He just built the house of Allah but he makes dua, part of his dua he says “accept our repentance”.
What is he repenting for?
This is an acknowledgement by the great prophets including our messenger Sallahu Alahyi Wasalaam, that they are short comings, that you remembered that you may have did something wrong, or there are those mistakes that you did in which you have no way of knowing.
Allah knows us better then we know ourselves. Even in the good deeds that we do, they are shortcomings.
We don’t know if we did a great job or not. We may read our Salaah, but what the angel wrote down in each of our records, we don’t know what grade we got on that Salaah. How sincere was our prayer, was our mind thinking off something else.
On the outside it looks like we prayed, we were facing the same direction, we fulfilled all the formalities of prayer, but on the inside the quality of those deeds are also written down. We don’t know where those stand.
The things we don’t know, we ask Allah apologies for on top of those things we do know we did wrong. Who is going to do more service to Allah, then our Messenger Sallahu Alahyi Waslam, but even he is worried all the time that he might not be doing enough.
The messenger Sallahu Alahyi Wasalaam asks Allah’s apologies for not doing the best he possibly can.
But Allah constantly mentions in the Quran that
“No, no, no you doing enough”
To the Messenger Sallahu Alahyi Waslaam. But the Messenger Sallahu Alahyi Wasalaam is not satisfied and he
continues to make Istighfar to Allah.
Everyone of us is in need of begging Allah for forgiveness. We have to understand that we are weak before Allah, and indeed Allah is most Merciful, most Forgiving. May Allah accept our repentance and may Allah accept the little we try to do to earn.his pleasure.
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