Tarek Khedr originally shared: Not attached to the Qur’an?
Here, let me tell you about a person who was ultimately attached to the Qur’an, that his love for the Qur’an made him more loved by those who read about him.
I am talking about, ‘Uthman Ibn Affan Radiyallahu Anhu. It is fascinating how Muslims know so much about Abu Bakr, ‘Umar and ‘Ali Radiyallahu Anhum yet not much on ‘Uthmaan when he has reigned the longest amongst the Rashidun Caliphs.
So here is something about this great man.
When Islam was born, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam made sure that the Muslims acquired their concepts from one source only and that was the Noble Qur’an and it was through this method that ‘Uthman and all the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum was educated.
'Uthman was deeply attached to the Noble Qur'an. He learned the Qur'an from the blessed lips of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam. The verses from which 'Uthman heard directly from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam played a role in the formation of his Islamic personality. They purified his heart and soul and influenced him. Thus, 'Uthman became a new man, with new values, emotions, aims, behavior and aspirations.
He was among the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum who taught others the Qur’an.
Abu ‘Abd Al Rahman Al Sulami said:
Those who taught us the Qur’an (such as ‘Uthman Ibn Affan, Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud) told us that when they learned ten verses from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam they would not go beyond them until they had learned the knowledge contained in them and how to apply it in deed.
They said: “So we learned the Qur’an and knowledge and its application together.”
Hence, they would spend a while to memorize a surah.
'Uthman was a hafiz of the Qur’an, and he read Qur’an all the time. Before the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam passed away, 'Uthman recited the entire Qur'an back at him, just like how a teacher would listen to his student after teaching him everything he knew.
One instance that would highlight the memory and attachment of ‘Uthman to the Qur’an was whenever he prayed qiyam al-layl (tahajjud).
The wife of ‘Uthman said on the day when he was besieged:
"Either kill him or leave him alone, for by Allah, he would recite the WHOLE QUR’AN in ONE RAK’AT when praying QIYAM AL LAYL."
Allahuakbar! The love and dedication of ‘Uthman Radiyallahu Anhu is just amazing.
O Muslims, ponder and reflect from this great caliph, he would recite the whole Qur’an in one rak’at when most of us can’t even stand the waiting when the Imam reads a surah that is quite longer that Al Faitha! Astagfirullah!
Indeed, whenever we talk of ‘Uthman, one ayah will always come to our mind:
"Is one who is obedient to Allah, prostrating himself or standing (in prayer) during the hours of the night, fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the Mercy of his Lord (like one who disbelieves)?" - Qur’an 39:9
O Muslims Allah has set standards by making you Muslims and believers, so give justice to this, honor Allah for He have honored you well than anything other thing can ever honor you in this dunya, and know that this honor He has given you is never-ending, it will be with you until your journey to the akhirah, so wear it accordingly!
And we pray that Allah Azza Wa Jall puts such love for the Qur’an in our hearts just like how He has placed love for the Qur’an upon the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum.
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