Muslims win by the will of Allah…nothing else
There were some points in our history where the Muslims were defeated in a battle and they would say that they could never stand up on their own feet again. The worst of these battles was with the war with the at-Tatar in the year 666 hijri. When the Tatar entered Al-Shaam in ‘Iraq and stayed for 40 days, they killed over 1 million people during those 40 days; that’s an average of 25,000 per day. They then carried on into Al-Shaam and defeated the Muslims in every single battle. So the Muslims during that time fell into a state of despair; they felt that the Tatar was an undefeatable people and it was impossible to win. They only had a few more areas left until they conquered the entire Muslim Empire. But what happened? Allah purified the Muslims through those trials and they became sincere in their du’a and in their Jihad; they then defeated the Tartar in the battle of ‘Ain Jaloot. It was a critical defeat and a turning point. When the Muslims won, they didn’t win because of strength since they already lost most of their strength to the Tartar. So if you are going to argue in a logical fashion that the Muslims should have won in the beginning since their army was complete, and their resources were abundant, you will see that in the end when they won, their army was few and their resources was limited. You cannot explain victory or defeat from a logical perspective; Muslims don’t win based on their numbers or resources. They win based on Allah’s will. Victory is a gift from Allah.
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