Revival of Ummah originally shared: 7 MAJOR SINS
The Prophet muhammad ( pbuh ) said there are 7 greatest sins:
1. Shirk
2. Magic
3. Murder
4. Riba
5. Rob the orphan
6. Run from battlefield
7. Slander pious Muslimahs
Narrated Abu-Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him); ‘The Prophet (SAWS) said:
“Avoid the seven great destructive sins.” The people enquired; ‘O Allah’s Messenger! What are they?’ The Prophet (SAWS) said:
To join others in worship along with Allah, to practise sorcery, to kill the life that Allah has forbidden except for a just cause (according to Islamic law), to eat up usury, to eat up the orphan’s wealth, to show one’s back to the enemy and fleeing from the battlefield at the time of fighting, and to accuse the chaste women, who never even think of anything touching chastity and are good believers.” (Bukhari). View full size (245x283)
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