The time is upon us
#islam #Allah #muslim #quran #prophetmuhammadpbuh #syria #damascus #imammahdi
The world will not pass away before the Arabs are ruled by a man (referring to Mahdi) of my family whose name will be the same as mine”
(Abu Dawud).
"Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will surely send a man from my family who will fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as it initally was filled with oppression." (Abu Dawood)
His name will be - Muhammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh
There is great mention of the battle in dimashq(Damascus).
With the war,destruction in Syria raging…it has begun.
On the authority of Abu Dardaa- May Allah be pleased with him- said: the Prophet (peace be upon him) said “The city of the Muslims on the day of the Great War (al-Malhamah) is in a fertile oasis next to a city called Damascus, and it is from the best cities of Shaam.”
And in another narration
“On the day of the Great War (al-Malhamah), the city of the Muslims is in a fertile oasis in which there is a city known as Damascus. It is the best location for the Muslims on that day.”(Abu Daud and Ahmad and Hakim and declared its chain as Sahih and agreed upon by Dahabi and declared Sahih by ALbani in Fadaail ash Shaam)
Damascus is appointed to be the landing of Isa ibn Maryam
On the authority of Nawas bin Samaan said: I heard the messenger of Allah say- Isa- peace be upon him descend at the white minaret at the eastern side of Damascus (Muslim and Abu Daud and ibn Majah and Tirmidhi and declared Sahih by Hakim and its chain was declared Sahih and Ahmad) and on the authority of Aus bin Aus Ath Thaqafi- May Allah be pleased with him- that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) say- Isa will descend at the white minaret at the eastern side of Damascus wearing two garments dyed with saffron lightly placing his hands on the wings of two angels, as though pearls are dripping for his head (Fadaail Ash Shaam, transferred from Nihayah)
Imam Al Mahdi RA ᴴᴰ:
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