Story of third kalimah

The Third Kalimah The third kalimah has a unique and very interesting story behind it. It all started before Allah Ta'alah created Adam A.S. The Angels were trying to move the Arsh (Throne) of Allah Ta'alah but it was too heavy and wouldn't budge. So they asked Almighty Allah for help. Allah told them to recite "Subhanallah." The Angels did as they were told and found that it gave them power and strength and they were able to move the Arsh. They liked this so much that they began constantly hymning, "Subhanallah."- (Glory be to Allah) Then Allah created Adam A.S. When Allah blew life into Adam, the first thing he did was sneeze and say "Alhamdulillah" (All parise be to Allah) The angels liked this act so much that they added this to their parise and glorification of Allah. Thus the kalimah became: "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah" Hundreds of years passed and the Prophet Nooh A.S. was now on earth. For nine hundred years he proclaimed the oneness of Allah with the words "La illaha illalah." (There is none worthy of worhip) The Angels loved this act so much that they added this to the kalimah. Thus, the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah." The Angels kept repeating this kalimah day and night. Many centuries passed and the Prophet Ebrahim A.S. (Abraham) was asked by Almighty Allah to sacrifice his beloved son Ismaeel A.S. He was about to slaughter his son and He needed something to give him the courage he needed to do this difficult deed. So he recited "Allahu Akbar." (Allah is Great) The Angels loved this act so much that they added "Allahu Akbar" to the kalimah. Thus the kalimah became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar." More centuries passed. It was the night of Meraj, when our Beloved Prophet Muhammed S.A.W. ascended to the Heavens with Gibraeel A.S. There Gibraeel A.S. told Nabee S.A.W. the story and Nabee S.A.W. added the final part of the Kalmiah "Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem." Thus the kalimah now became "Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wa La illaha illalah Allahu Akbar Wala Howla Wa La Quwata Illah Billah Hil Aleyeel Azeem" (There is no Power and Might except from Allah, The Most High, TheGreat) And up to this day, this kalimah (or declaration of faith) buzzes around the Arsh of Almighy Allah. Third Kalima is Tumjeed, this is the Kalima(the first part) that isrecited 33 times after each Farz Namaaz, and is called tasbih Fatima . Surah Fatiha- protects one from the anger of Allah. Surah Yaseen- from the thirst of the Day of Judgement. Sura Waaqiah- from poverty and starvation Surah Mulk- from the punishment of the grave Surah Kausar- from the enemity of the enemy Surah Kaafiroon- from kufr at the time of death Surah Ikhlaas- from hypocrisy Surah ! Falaq- from calamities. Surah Naas- from Evil thoughts. Should someone become aware of the above from your message and read any of these surahs, you will also receive the sawaab for passing on the knowledge. So keep forwarding??. Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W (PBUH) says that If a person recites Ayatal Kursi after every Farz Namaz then there will be nothing between him and Heaven except "Death" There is a Hadith that says 3rd kalima is such a great medicine that it cures every disease and the most minor disease it cures is – Sorrow. (Gham). Third kalima being: Subhaan Allah, WalHamdo Lillah, Wa La Illaha IlAllah, Wa Aallah o Akbar. Wa Lahoalwalla quwatta illa billah hilm Ali al Azeem. Another Hadith says if a person recites surah ikhlaas 10 times in a day then Allah build a palace for him in the Heaven.(Subhaan Allah) and the last but not the least ALLAH says spread the knowledge whatever you have Its the duty of each n every Muslim May ALLAH accepts our good deeds. Shared from Google Keep
