Immense might and power of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala #Allah #islam

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As SalamAlaikum WA Rehmatullah WA Barakatahu

Alhamdulillahthe last class we were able to complete the book "Kitab-At-Tawheed"and we heard from the sheikh the last chapter "They made not ajust estimate of Allah(subhana wataala), his mightand his power"

Inshallah wewill start a new book on the proper way to perform Salah from today(11th March), do try to attend so we can rectify all ourmistakes done while performing Salah Inshallah.

The Summaryof the last chapter on 4th March 2013 is asbelow……

This chapter mainly focusses in the immense Might and immensepower of Allah(subhana WA taala),the writer has jot down some verses from the glorious Quran andsome beautiful hadith which describe to us the Might of our AllMighty Allah(subhana WA taala)

Verse 1

Allah says in the Quran in Surah Az-Zumar (39) verse(67)…

Hadith 1

Abdullah bin Masood(Radi Allahu Anha) narrated….

A (Jewish) rabbi came to Allah's Messenger(sallallahualaihi wasallam) and said, "O Muhammad, we learn that Allah will put all the heavenson one finger, and the earths on one finger, and the trees on onefinger, and the water and dust on one finger, and all the othercreated beings on one finger. Then he will say, "I AM THEKING"………..Thereupon the Prophet (sallallahu alaihiwasallam) smiled so that his premolar teeth became visible, and that was theconfirmation of what the rabbi said, then Allah's Messenger(sallallahu alaihi wasallam) recited the above verse of surah Az-Zumar.

It is started in another narration of Muslim…"And the mountainsand the trees on one finger, then he will shake them while saying."I AM THE KING, I AM ALLAH"

And in another narration in Bukhari…."Allah will put the heavenson one finger, and the water and the dust on one finger, and therest of the creation on one finger"

Hadith 2

In Muslim, from Ibn Umar(Radi Allahu Anhuma)in a Marfu Hadith, it is narrated…

"Allah will roll all the heavens up on the day of Resurrection andtake them in his Right hand and then he will say, "I am theking; where are the tyrants and where are the arrogant ones(today)?". He would then roll up the seven earths and take themin his left hand and say, "I am the king, where are the tyrantsand where are the arrogant ones (today)?"

Hadith 3

It is narrated from Ibn Abbas(Radi Allahu Anhuma)that …

"The seven heavens and seven earths will be as small in Allah'shand as a seed of mustard in one of your hand"

Hadith 4

Ibn Jarir said: I was told by Yunus: We were informed by Ibn Wahb:Ibn Zaid said my father told me that Allah's Messenger(sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said…..

"Seven heavens are as small as seven Dirhams molded in a warrior'sshield in comparison to the "KURSI" (Footstool – A place to keepthe foot)" of Allah"

And he (Ibn Jarir) said, Abu Dhar(Radi Allahu Anha)said that he heard Allah's Messenger(sallallahu alaihiwasallam) saying…..

"The KURSI (Allah's footstool – A place to keep the foot)" comparedto the throne (ARSH) is nothing but like a ring of iron throw in avast field"

Hadith 5

It is reported that Ibn Masood(Radi Allahu Anha)said…

"The distance between first and second heaven is that of 500 years,and between each of the seven heavens is also 500 years, and thedistance between seventh heaven to the KURSI is also 500 years, andthe distance between KURSI and the water is again 500 years. TheThrone (ARSH) is above the water and Allah the All Mighty is abovethe throne, and nothing is hidden to Allah of yourdeeds."

Hadith 6

It is narrated from Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib(Radi AllahuAnha) that Allah's Messenger(sallallahu alaihi wasallam)said…..

"Do you know how much the distance between earth and heaven is?" Wesaid "Allah and his Messenger know better." Then he(sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, "The distance between them is 500 years, and the distancebetween one heaven to the next is 500 years, and the dimension ofeach heaven will take 500 years to travel, and there is a seabetween the seventh heaven and the throne (Arsh) which has betweenits lowest and highest ends the distance like that between theheavens and the earth (i.e. 500 years), and Allah the Most Exaltedis above that and nothing is secret from him of the deeds of BaniAdam (Mankind).

The few Ahadeeth stated above really explain to us the Might andPower of our All Mighty lord Allah(subhana WAtaala).

Alhamdulillah with this we completed our book "Kitab-AT-Tawheed",Inshallah from today we will start a new book on the proper way toperform Salah, the way thought by our beloved prophet(sallallahu alaihi wasallam), do try to attend so we can rectify all our mistakes of performingSalah Inshallah.

We ask forthe mercy and forgiveness of Allah (subhana wa taala)in any wrongfrom our side when writing this summary, and if something was wrongit was only from the writer and from Satan and pray to Allah(subhana wa taala)that heGuides us all to Hear, Say and Act wisely and truly on what welearn.

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