Share your wealth
Wealth is to serve useful purposes and not to be
accumulated in a few hands "that it may not
concentrate and circulate only among those of
you who are rich"
- Quran 59:7
"In their wealth there is due share
acknowledged by them for such as who ask (for
help) and such as are deprived (of what is good
in the life)."
- Quran 70:24
"So give his due share (haqq) to kinsman, and to
the needy and to the homeless. That is best for
those who seek the pleasure of Allah."
- Quran 30:38
"When it is said to them: 'Spend out of that (for
the poor and needy) with which Allah has
provided you; those who evade truth say to
those who believe: 'Shall we feed him whom
Allah would have fed had He so desired? You
are but in plain error"
- Quran 36:47
Luxury is extravagancy
The gifts of God are to be utilized properly and
not to be spent extravagantly and,
'to render to the kinsman his due and to the
needy and the homeless and waste not your
wealth extravagantly (in order to deprive
kinsman his due share and the needy and the
homeless), for the extravagant is brother of
satans and Satan has proved to misuse the
bounties of his Sustainer."
- Quran 17:26-27
How much to give out?
"They ask you as to how much they should
spend. Say: 'The Surplus'" (Quran, 2:219).
"Take a portion of their wealth as Sadaqah or
Relief-Aid...." (Quran 9:103)
"Take the Surplus..." (Quran 7:199)
WHAT IS SURPLUS? Once legitimate needs have
been filled at a modest scale - no extravagance
is permitted - the rest is surplus. One should not
suffer from poverty, nor indulge in luxury.
Here it may be highlighted that the Quran
praises those "who give other preference over
their own selves even though they themselves
are poor" (Quran 59:9).
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