The emergence of Imam Mahdi is near - Hadith #imammahdi #islam

The emergence of Imam Mahdi is near - Hadith

Quran 21:1. Closer and closer to mankind comes their Reckoning, yet they heed not and they turn away.
These are the hadith of Rasool Allah
The emergence of Imam Mahdi
• Mahdi will emerge at such a time when people will become despondent and say 'There is no Mahdi'. (Ibid).
• He will come when Muslims are killed everywhere. (Ibid).
• Imam Mahdi is from the household of the Prophet Mohammad, Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. (Ahmad, Ibn Majah).
• His name and surename will be the same as the name and surename of prophet Mohammad. (Abu Dawud).
• In one night Allah will inspire him and prepare him to carry out his task successfully. (Ahmad).
• He will fill the entire earth with Justice, just as it will have been filled with injustice and oppression. (Abu Dawud).
• Imam Mahdi will be born in Arabia, he will be from Quraish.
• His forehead will be broad and his nose will be high, His face will shine like a star and he will have a black spot on his left cheek. (Tabarani).
• His facial features and character will be the same as that of the prophet Mohammad. (Abu Dawud).
• He will be one of the leaders of Paradise in the Herafter. (Ibn Majah).
• Mahdi will emerge at such a time when people will become despondent and say 'There is no Mahdi'. (Ibid).
• When he comes to Arabia the government will attack him and he will flee to Khurassan [Afghanistan].
• Black flags (army) will emerge from Khurasan (Afghanistan). None will be able to turn them back, until they are in Baitul Maqdis. (Tirmidhie).
• Black flags from the family of Abbas will emerge, then another army will emerge from Khurasan (Afghanistan), their topis (headgear) and clothes will be white (Taliban?). Their leader will be a person by the name of Shuayb bin Saalih, from Tameem. He (and his army) will annihilate the companions of Sufyaani. (Narrated by Abu Dawud).
• When you see black flags coming from Khuraasaan, then you must join them, even though you have to be dragged in the snow, because, Allah's Khalifah, Mahdi, will be amongst them. (Ahmad, Baihaqie).
• A person named Sufyaani will emerge from the city of Damascus. (Muslim).
• Most of the people who will follow him will be from the tribe of Bani Kalb. (Muslim).
• They will fight (to such an extent) that they will pierce the stomachs of women and kill children. (Muslim).
• The people from the tribe of Qais will gather to oppose them. They (Qais) will then kill them (Sufyaanis) in such a manner that they will not be able to find any refuge behind a mountain. (Muslim).
• When this Sufyaano hears about the Mahdi he will sent an army against him from Syria, it will be swallowed up in the desert between Makkah and Madina and only one man will survife who will go back and inform his people about their fate. (Abu Dawud).
• When the people see this, groups of people from Syria and Iraq will come and swear allegiance to him. (Abu Dawud).
• Then a man from Quraysh whose mother is from Kalb will appear and send an army against them, and will defeat them, this will be known as the Battle of Kalb. Whoever does not witness the spoils of this battle will miss much! (Abu Dawud).
• The Mahdi will distribute the wealth, and will rule the people according to the Sunnah of the Prophet. (Abu Dawud).
• His age at the time of his emergence will be forty years. (Tabarani).
• The Mahdi will be from the progeny of the Prophet Mohammad, from the descendants of Fatimah. (Abu Daud).
• The Mahdi and 70.000 children of Isaac [Pashtoens, Afghans] will conquest Constantinople in Turkey. (Muslim).
• They will not conquest Constantinople with weapons or arrows, but with Takbeer and Tasbeeh. (Muslim).
• The Romans (Europians, Americans) will attack you with 80 banners, and there will be 12.000 men under each banner. (Bukharie).
• A jamaat of Muslims wages Jihad on India and they will conquer India with the help of Allah.
• At this time, Muslims will be weak and there will be very few pious people.
• Once again the Quran and Sunnah will govern the people, this time by the rightly guided Khalifh, Imam Mahdi. (Tirmidhie).
• Islam will gain an upper hand and will be firmly established in the land.
• The oppression, tyranny, and darkness that prevailed all over the globe will be replaced with justice, peace and equity. (Ibn Majah).
• The smile, which was long forgotten, will be restored on the Muslim faces and the inhabitants of the Earth will be pleased with him. (Ibn Majah)
• Everybody will be happy to the extent that even birds an wild animals will rejoice in his rule. (Ahmad).
• Heaven will end rain profusely, livestock will be in abundance. (Mustadrak).
• A Callers will proclaim in the street, 'Is anybody in need of anything?' Nobody will respond except one person. (Ahmad).
• Mahdi will be the ruler of the world and he will share the wealth between the people. (Tirmidhie).
• So that a man will come to him and say, 'Give me, give me'. Then he will spread his cloth and put in it as much as he can carry. (Mustadrak).
• Imam Mahdi will fight great wars against the Christians, they will win with the help of Allah.
• The Romans (Americans, Europians) will dishonour a treaty they have made with a member of my family, whose name will be like mine (i.e. the Mahdi). (Narrated by At Tabarani).
• Then an army will advance from Madinah Tayyibah, which will comprise of the best of persons on the entire surface of the earth. (Muslim).
• When the two armies line up for battle, the Christians will say, 'Separate from those who made our families prisoners (and enslaved them), so that we may fight them only'. The Muslims will say; 'Never! We take an oath that we will never separate ourselves between you and our fellow Muslim brothers'. They will then engage in battle. (Muslim).
• One third of the Muslim army will flee the battlefield, and they will never be forgiven by Allah. One third will be martyred, and they will be amongst the best of martyrs in the sight of Allah. The other third (of the Muslim army) will be victorious, and they will be saved from any other Fitnah for the rest of their lives. (Muslim, Tabarani).
