Hamas Shouldn't Fire Rockets … But Israel Has Violated HUNDREDS of UN Resolutions Alex Jones' Infowars
infowars.com | Nov 20th 2012We condemn Hamas for firing rockets into Israel. We believe that targeting civilians is unconscionable, and is a war crime.
But by any objectives measure, Israel has broken the law much more than Hamas. Haaretz noted in 2002:
Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes.
[Zunes] systematically went through all the states given instructions by the security council to find out how common a phenomenon it was. His results were somewhat surprising: "Some of the countries are considered and are known to be friendly to the U.S.," he told Ha'aretz yesterday. "In the vast majority of cases I examined, the governments violating UN Security Council resolutions are countries that receive significant military, diplomatic and financial aid from the U.S."
Israel leads the list. Since 1968, Israel has violated 32 resolutions that included condemnation or criticism of the governments' policies and actions. Turkey is in second place, with 24 violations since 1974, and Morocco is third with 17 resolutions it ignored.
Zunes specifically avoided counting resolutions that are vague or unclear so that governments could claim different interpretations to the meaning of the resolutions. Thus, the famous UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 are not included in his study. He also did not count resolutions that only included condemnations. Instead, he focused on those that included specific calls for changes in the subject governments' policies.
The resolutions Israel violated were either about its annexation of East Jerusalem or settlements in the territories. Israel also ignored UN Security Council resolutions that called for Israel to cease using harsh measures against the Palestinian population and to cease expelling Palestinians.
Pulitzer prize winning journalist Chris Hedges points out that Israel has broken nearly a hundred UN Security Council resolutions regarding Gaza alone:
The continued presence of Israeli occupation forces defies nearly a hundred U.N. Security Council resolutions calling for them to withdraw. The Israeli blockade of Gaza, established in June 2007, is a brutal form of collective punishment that violates Article 33 of the Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention, which set up rules for the "Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War."
Here is a brief sampling of UN Security Council resolutions against Israel:
- Resolution 228: The Palestine Question (November 25, 1966) " … 'censures' Israel for its attack onSamu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control"
- Resolution 248: (March 24, 1968) " … 'condemns' Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan"
- Resolution 258: (September 18) … expressed 'concern' with the welfare of the inhabitants of theIsraeli-occupied territories, and requested a special representative to be sent to report on the implementation of Resolution 237, and that Israel cooperate
- Resolution 262: (December 31) " … 'condemns' Israel for attack on Beirut airport"
- Resolution 265: (April 1, 1969) " … 'condemns' Israel for air attacks on Salt"
- Resolution 446 (1979): 'determines' that Israeli settlements are a 'serious obstruction' to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention"
- Resolution 478 (20 August 1980): 'censures (Israel) in the strongest terms' for its claim to Jerusalemin its 'Basic Law'
- Resolution 501: " … 'calls' on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops".Resolution 515: " … 'demands' that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in"
- Resolution 516, demanded an immediate cessation of military activities in Lebanon, noting violations of the cease-fire in Beirut
- Resolution 592: " … 'strongly deplores' the killing of Palestinian students at Birzeit University by Israeli troops"
- Resolution 611: "… condemned Israel's assassination of Khalil al-Wazir as a 'flagrant violation of theCharter
- Resolution 672 (12 Oct 1990): " … 'condemns' Israel for "violence against Palestinians" at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount
- Resolution 904 (18 Mar 1994): Cave of the Patriarchs massacre
- Resolution 1322 (07 Oct 2000) deplored Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount and the violence that followed
- Resolution 1435 (24 Sep 2002) demanded an end to Israeli measures in and around Ramallah, and an Israeli withdrawal to positions held before September 2000
The war crimes are ongoing.
Note: We have not been able to find a single UN resolution against Palestine.
This article was posted: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 5:48 am
Tags: government corruption, terrorism, war
Original Page: http://www.infowars.com/hamas-shouldnt-fire-rockets-but-israel-has-violated-hundreds-of-un-resolutions/
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