Dua for 2012

Oh Allah i complain to you of my weakness.My scarcity of resources and my humiliation before the people.O most merciful of those who are merciful.O Lord of the weak and my Lord too.To whom have you entrusted me?To a distant person who receives me with hostility?or to an enemy to whom you have granted authority over my affair?So long as you are not angry with me, i do not care.Your favour is of more abundance to me.I seek refuge in the light of Your face by which all darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set right,lest your anger or your displeasure  descend upon me.I desire your pleasure and satisfaction until you are pleased.There is no power and no might except by You.This dua was made by Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)when He was rejected and stoned by the inhabitants of taif.

Oh Allah unite this Ummah.Your enemies are plotting against us.Speaking against us.Killing us.Mocking our women and your beloved Prophet(pbuh).Ya Allah raise from amongst us someone that would lead us.Defend our lands like Khaled bin Waleed.Unite us as You did under Sultan Salahaddin.Save Islam from annihilation by sending us another Baybars.Someone that will end modern day slavery and bring everlasting world peace.Ameen.
