End Times 2013

End Times 2013

endtimes2013.com | Feb 4th 2013 

Our 2013 predictions, for Muslims, Christians and others, regarding the future :

Most likely, the beginning of the End of Time is in 2013, the emergence (appearance, arrival, or coming) of the Imam Mahdi (Mehdi) is in 2013, and Jesus Christ (p)'s return [or second (2nd ) coming] is going to be in 2022, in-sha-Allah (if God is willing).

Welcome to our site, which is dedicated to presenting news about our End of Time research and our book:

The End Times 2013 - 2022 : As decoded by numerical analysis of the Quran, Hadith, Arabic Words, and Historical Events

Our book presents a unique numerical Islamic approach and perspective to the End of Time (End of Days or Last Days) and End of the World Apocalypse Eschatology, the future of Christianity and the role of Islam in the End of Time, making specific End Times predictions, based on our numerical analysis of Islamic sources (Quran verses and Hadith prophecies), Arabic words, and historical events. We do not use astrology (horoscope, zodiac, etc.) in our research or predictions. Making predictions based on astrology is Haram (forbidden) in Islam.

This End of Time book (including its predictions) is beneficial not just to Muslims, but also to Christians (Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.), Jews (including Kabbalists), and people who follow other religious/ philosophical/ occult beliefs and practices (such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Scientology, Paganism, Satanism, Sorcery, Gnosticism, etc.), as well as atheists, agnostics, and people who do not follow any religion. For example, the book is very useful to Jews and Christians whose perception of the End Times is limited to the Torah/ Talmud/ Zohar or to Biblical (Bible)/ Messianic/ Christian prophecies, predictions, apparitions (visions), and dreams.

Our latest research seems to indicate that, most probably, the first phase of the End of Time will start in year 2013 (1434 Hijri ), when the first evil person (أعرج Araj, False Elijah / Elias, Messiah son of Joseph, etc.) arrives (or comes). This will trigger the Imam Mahdi (Mehdi) (ظهور أو خروج الإمام المهدي) to emerge (appear or rise up), in-sha-Allah (if God is willing).

In year 2022, the last evil person (Dajjal / Anti-Christ المسيخ / المسيح الدجال , False Messiah son David, etc.) will come (or return). In response, Prophet Jesus Christ son of Mary (p) (نزول النبي المسيح عيسى إبن مريم) will come downfrom Heaven to Earth and end the Kingdom of the Dajjal (AntiChrist), in-sha-Allah (if God is willing). Thus, the first phase will end in 2022 (1444 Hijri ).

The Jews are expecting two Messiahs to arise in the End of Days (End of Time): the first one is Messiah son of Joseph and the second one is Messiah son of David. The Christians are expecting two witnesses to come before Jesus Christ. The Christians believe one of the witnesses is going to be Prophet Elijah (Elias). The first evil (Araj or Dajjal) person who will come in 2013 may falsely claim to be Messiah son of Joseph and one of the witnesses expected by Christians. The numerical value of the first name of the man who is the most likely first evil person is equal to the numerical value of Eli, which is the nickname of Elias (Elijah). The last evil person (Dajjal or Anti-Christ) who will appear (or return) in 2022 is likely to falsely claim to be Messiah son of David of the Jews and Jesus Christ of the Christians.

The following Hadith is an Islamic End of Time prophecy about the advent of a man who is described as Araj coming from the Maghreb:

عن كعب قال علامة خروج المهدي ألوية تقبل من المغرب عليها رجل أعرج من كنده

Ka'b is reported to have said: " The sign of the coming-out of the Mahdi is (army) battalions coming from the Maghreb, led by a man who is an Araj from Kinda." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan, page 205)

In our book, we reveal the name of the person who will most likely be the first evil person to appear in 2013 and we present full numerical analysis about him. The numerical value of his name is exactly equal to the numerical value of the Arabic word Araj ( أعرج ) . The word A'raj means a limper or lamer (a person who cannot walk normally because of a problem in one of his legs). However, this evil person does not have to be an A'raj (limper / lamer) physically. The reason he is described in the Hadith as an Araj is most likely to allow us to know his real name, by calculating the numerical value of his name. Furthermore, the Maghreb in this Hadith is most probably not intended to refer to Morocco or Maghreb region that includes Morocco, Algeria, and Tunis. In our book, we explain what is meant by the Maghreb (المغرب) based on the numerical value of this word and we also explain what the word Kinda ( كنده ) could be referring to.

There are several End Times prophecies about the Mahdi in the Bible. The following are three of these prophecies:

1. The Mahdi is prophesied in Daniel 12 of the Bible and is referred to as Michael:

At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. (Daniel 12: 1) (Source: www.Bible.cc )

2. The following is a biblical End of Time prophecy about the Mahdi in Isaiah 19: 20 :

It will be a sign and witness to the LORD Almighty in the land of Egypt. When they cry out to the LORD because of their oppressors, he will send them a savior and defender, and he will rescue them. (Isaiah 19: 20) (Source: www.Bible.cc )

3. Genesis 49: 10 of the Old Testament of the Bible is an End Times prophesy about the arrival of an important person who could be the Mahdi :

The scepter will not depart from Judah ... until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nations is his. (Genesis 49: 10) (Source: www.Bible.cc )


We are continuing our research for this book, on full-time basis, about 10 hours per day, 7 days per week.

We are hoping to be able to release an important new edition of our book, around , in-sha-Allah (if God is willing).

At the present time, we are NOT accepting new subscribers to the book, until we release a new updated edition that reflects the latest results of our research.

Currently, the probability of the beginning of the End Times seems to be as follows:

- Year 2013 : 99 %

- Year 2014, 2015, or afterwards: 1 %

As you may have noticed, our confidence level in year 2013, as the beginning of the End Times, has been steadily increasing, the more evidence, we are finding in our research, that points to year 2013.

The following is our free gift to people who have been waiting eagerly for the book:

The Beginning of the End Times will most likely be in July 2013,in-sha-Allah (if God is willing).

Specific dates of events are analyzed in the book.

End Times Research Center is a Sunni Islamic research center dedicated to studying the End of Time. However, the book is not written to promote Islam, but rather to uncover the absolute truth. The truth is the truth; it has no religion. We use several numerical methods and types of calculations to analyze the last divine scripture of Islam, which is the Quran (Qur'an or Koran), and the sayings of Prophet Mohammad (p) which are called Hadith and are collected in Books of Hadith. Numerical methods are inherently objective. The conclusions of the book are favorable to Islam and Muslims because Islam is God's religion. Prophets Abraham, Jacob (Israel), Moses, David, Jesus, peace be upon them, were Muslims and worshipped Allah (God).

We are open-minded, loving, and honest. We accept subscribers interested in reading the book from all countries around the World, regardless of the subscribers' religions.

The book is written in English. It contains lots of Arabic words because the book analyzes the Quran, Hadith, and Arabic words. All these sources are in Arabic. However, there is no need for the reader of the book to know Arabic. The book is easy to read if you know some English. You do not necessarily have to be fluent in English because the book is characterized by its heavy emphasis on numbers. The numbers can be understood by all people, regardless of their level of fluency in English. There are lots of simple mathematical equations in the books, that are formulated simply by adding numbers.

The book, using several types of calculations and numerical analysis methods, presents possibilities and makes End of Time predictions, primarily regarding the events of the first phase of the End Times, which is a period of tribulation.

We do NOT expect the End of the World to occur in 2022, but rather on a specific day (revealed in the Book) in 2022, the first phase of the End Times will end and the second phase will begin. The second phase of the End Times is a period of peace.

The book does not just give a rough idea about the year in which events will occur,but also provides predictions, with exact dates of many End of Time events. The book shows, through in-depth numerical analysis, why the events are likely to occur on these specific dates.

The book reveals a unique numerical observation regarding the period beyond the first phase, but it does NOT make specific predictions regarding the Last Day, Doomsday, Apocalypse, End of the World, Day of Resurrection (Qiyama), and Day of Judgment which can be expected to occur at the end of the third (or fourth) phase of the End Times.

Without exaggeration, this book is one of the most significant Islamic books that have ever been written. The book reveals an unknown dimension of the Quran. It proposes that the Quran is intended by God to have hidden numerical messages that can only be deciphered through proper numerical analysis of the Quran. That is why even if you are not too interested in the End Times, you may still find the book interesting.

This book asserts that the Quran is a Book of Knowledge that tells us explicitly or hints implicitly regarding various aspects of life. Because some aspects of life are very sensitive and must not be revealed until the right time, God may have chosen to hint to them through hidden numerical messages.

What is even more surprising is that we have discovered that many of the Islamic prophecies about the End of Time in Hadith narrations attributed to Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.) are also numerically coded.

Finally, the book shows how the system of numerical values of Arabic words is so amazing in predicting events and their sequence.

The book takes the reader on a journey to solve the mysteries of the End Times by uncovering the unknown relationship between words and numbers. That is why the book may appeal to people who like words and those who like numbers.

The book is thrilling because it contains lots of surprises. It is also engaging and challenging in that it presents numerical systems, calculations, and equations derived from words that entice the readers to think and come to their own conclusions. The authors of the book only act as a tour guide in this marvelous intellectual journey.

Click here to read more about the book.

We would like to declare the following:

1. Future events are known only to Allah (God) (s.w.t.) and those whom he chooses.

2. We do notclaim that Allah (s.w.t.) is letting us know directly the predictions we make in this book.

3. There is a difference between "knowing the Future" and "making predictions about the Future". We do not know what is going to happen in the future. We perform numerical analysis of the Quran, Hadith, Arabic words, and Historical Events. Based on this analysis, we come to conclusions and make predictions regarding events in the End Times.

5. Neither the Quran nor the Hadith states explicitly the exact dates of the End of Time events. The book presents various possibilities for interpreting the implicit, numerical messages coded in the Quran and Hadith.

6. We do not know when the Last Day of the World, Day of Resurrection, or Day of Judgement will occur. We do not provide specific dates for such Days.

7. We are NOT knowledgeable about Astrology and we do NOT use it. Making predictions based on Astrology is Haram (Forbidden).

2013 - 2014 period coincides with 1434 -1435 Hijri which is within the period prophesied in the following Islamic prophecy about End of the Time :

" Count two or three decades after 1400 Hijri. At that time, the Mahdi will emerge... "

(Qalda bin Zayd bin Baraka, Asma Masalik Li Ayyam Al-Mahdi: Malik Li Kul Al-Dunya Bi Amr Allah El-Malik, p. 216 )

The source of this narration, is a rare hand-written book (manuscript), dated around 300 years after the Hijra and is found today, in Istanbul, Turkey, in the Süleymaniye Library, under the section listed as "Islamic Manuscripts 3664/ Al-Medina Al-Munawara".
